Aesthetic of variations is the theoric fondations of the final architectural diploma project - THE LAST WILDERNESS - from the atelier "Digital distortion & marshmallow future" led by Ricardo de Ostos and Christian Delecluze 2011/2012. The atelier speculates on a socio-environmental revolution via the role and the use of technolgy in the next future.
The thesis propose to explore the last manifestations of a "surviving wilderness" while our modern time has already blasted most of what we used to call nature. The thesis features less as a project porfolio but more as an open and free accumulation of thoughts, references and experiments.Thus, it needs to be read as if each case study could communicates with one another across microfissures, as neurons do.
The document is a "work in progress" cloud or whirlpool brain growing as anarchic rootlets, rather than a finished theory or a complete story. The thesis is an intuitive and rigorous experimental adventure into a world of variations. This field of exploration allows to focus on the fantastic quality and ability of wild systems to embody complex behaviours: independent ecosystems, morphologies of living agences, geological transformations and climate changes, but also, internet networks, traffic jams...
While the initial concept of nature derezz, new forms of a "wilderness" appears. The thesis describes how the desecration of the initial concept of "nature" paradoxically results in a transfer of substances which generate new manifestations: partly natural, partly technological, but mostly wild, as ever.
Extracted pages from the thesis: