Relaxing space
Transmorphing furniture is an interior design adventure elaborated for a young french family of Levallois-Perret, a middle-class suburb of Paris. The space is a 50 m² empty cellar without any natural light. A private lift connects the cellar to the appartement of the client. This one wants to use the room as a multipurpose space for both children and parents who needs to escape, rest, play or even entertain friends differenlty.
"The space needs to be multipurpose as well as a «physical» experience for the member of the family. It needs to be something special, something that break with the every day life».
The idea of the project emmerged from the tension between the client expectations and the real constraints of the space. While we tradditonaly use furnitures as a way defines and limits the uses of the space, «Transmorphing furnitures» explores procedures of «inbetweens» where spatial functions merge. Thus, transmorphing is the capacity to embody a series of architectural fragments. It is the possibility to bypass established architectural standards by creating androgynous zones. Functions are compressed and morph within a single object by shifting from a condition to an other.
Transmorphing furniture develops a multitude spatial «becomings». The kitchen becomes a bar, the bar becomes a sofa, the sofa becomes a bed.This strategy of blending architectural functions allows the family to appropriate the space with their own evolving expectations.
From a technical point of view, the complex furniture embodies zones of storage, as well as lighting devices. The wall of the room are coupled with a retro-lighting device which mimic the natural light as well as an acoustic foam. The overal structure is made out of regular wood sections which, at the same time, defines functional zones.The kitchen is shaped out of corian and connect to the wooden bar. The sitting zones are progressively padded, thus the furniture is slowly shifting from a solid condition (wood and corian) to a soft resolution. The ceiling geometry is almost the symetric of the furniture bellow. This second «arm» embody the kitchen storage device (custom shelves) as well as the hanging ceiling which includes ponctual lights and a film projector.
Transmorphing concept -click to animate-
Kitchen becoming Bar becoming seats becoming bed
Transmorphing spatial sequence
Unpholstered furniture (digital process)
Coordinates of the verteces
Wooden Structure
The bar & the kitchen
Leaning at the bar (Stocking and receiving)
Bed and seats (Stocking and receiving)
Opposite view
Site integration, construction diagrams
Site integration, renders
Transmorphing process -click to animate-
Original plan